Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Chance Project Directions

Hanada's Chance Project Directions for Heather


you need an
1) 18x24" white paper/board/whatever but it has to be white
2) 5 different colored pens/sharpies/colored pencils/pastels/paint brushes/ even crayons of you want as long as its 5 colored drawing objects
3)the song

listen to the song and draw away

navigate your hand the way your mind interprets the tune from when the song begins to when it ends and draw your interpretation with a fist full of those 5 drawing tools. remember the tips of your drawing tools cant separate from the paper aka you can lift your hand up or take a break and you have to stay within the edges of the paper so you cant have part of the drawing be on the floor haha

lastly name the finished piece

Heather's Chance Project Directions for Hanada


Materials: A large sheet of Drawing paper 18”x24” grided into 12 boxes (either 3 or 4 boxes diagonally or 3 or 4 horizontally). Pens, pencil, charcoal, crayons, colored pencil, etc… or whatever medium you want to use.

Instructions: Use words that are from 8-12 letters long into the google search box. When you type it in once the google “guessing software” guesses the correct word note what letter it guessed it on…. For example: Amoeba… you type in a…m…o… it guess its on the 3rd letter “O” so then in the 3rd box (you can number them however you want) you draw whatever the word feel to you in one stroke. Do not pick up the pen. You can change the medium whenever you feel like it to the word. You can use any words you want but try to make them uncommonly used words and a variety of words.

Some Examples of words you may want to use:













Write them on the piece of paper like this…

Amoeba (3)

Sphincter (6)

And then execute your drawing OR you can do it as you type in the words into your computer.

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