Improbable Monument
I. Introduction: The idea of an Improbable monument brought me to the idea of exploring an issue that I think is often ignored and overlooked in terms of US American history. I created a monument that is in dedication to the Indigenous Peoples of this country and their issues of community and health. They have been done wrong by the United States of America and in 1969-1971, the Indian peoples occupied Alcatraz Island as a way to demonstrate their rights as the original peoples of this land. My improbable monument is taking back the island and creating is as a representation of their rights that they deserve and using it as land to address their issues of health problems and community development.
II. Background: My idea for this project stemmed from the issues of Indigenous People’s in the United States and rights that were so horribly taken away from them. I felt that this issue is something that exists in so many locations all over the United States. The United States land was land of these people and it was taken away so wrongfully and now the populations of these people is so low that to have a place that is rightfully theirs to use.
III. Project Description: Alcatraz is a memorial State park and has information about it as a former high security prison and information about this occupation but, it is not enough. To be able to take back this land fully and rightfully as Indian land and for it to be used for Indian people and their community would be justified.
a. Detailed Description: The whole island of Alcatraz will be reconstructed for the Indian people. In my research I found a lot of their issues had to do with health and I envision this island to be a place of health and healing. I implemented art into their community center because art is a huge part of healing and preservation of their culture. There is also now a bridge that gives access to the island as well as a free boat for Indian people to use to get to the island.
b. Significance: The significance of this monument is that it is a representation of the land that is given back to these people that will be fully funded by the US Government and will be offered for free to the people that deserve it most. It will not just be for Indian people (but they get the highest priority) but for people who need it most get access to this island facility geared toward health, healing and preservation of their cultures.
c. Location: I chose Alcatraz because of the historical significance in terms of it as a monument of the Alcatraz Occupation during 1969-1971 and how this was essential in influencing the American government's decision to end its policy of Termination and Relocation and to pass the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act of 1975.
d. How is it improbable: It is improbably because it is so difficult for the United States government to admit so much wrongdoing for the Indian peoples and the costs would be so high that they would never do it because of the political implication and loss of power for US government. It challenges conventional monuments because it a working monument in terms of what is represents on an everyday working basis, not as a monument to just look at and take photos of.
IV. Benefits: The benefits of this Improbable Monument are the educational, community service-oriented goal, exposure of this injustice, all people are the audience for this monument and what is stands for, the health benefits for people who need it most, people gain knowledge of the fact that the US government can take responsibility for what they did in the past and how it has repercussions in the now, but do something about it. This is a monument in representation of healing for Indigenous people and the United States government and society to take steps toward a future for positive change.
V. Timeline of Tasks: It will take an estimated 15 years to have this monument fully working. The process of reconstructing the island and re-piping fresh water and amenities to house the amount of people visiting it and working on it daily would take a while. Also the bridge will take about the same amount of time (by watching the bridges being build here in the SF Bay Area) will take an equal amount of time.
Resources: Alcatraz is Not and Island documentary
Full funding granted!!